Dr. Koppiker is an internationally renowned Breast Oncosurgeon and the Medical Director of Orchids Breast Health Center, Pune which is a one-of-its kind Integrated Center of Affordable Excellence for Breast Cancer. He is also the Founder Director of International School of Oncoplastic Surgery- a joint initiative with the Breast Oncoplasty Training Program, University of East Anglia, UK. He is Asia Convenorof M.Ch. (Breast Oncoplasty) Program of UEA and a faculty at the School of Oncoplastic Surgery , USA.
Outside of Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, DrKoppiker was the first Oncosurgeon in Pune to lead the establishment of the 1st integrated cancer center namely the Budhrani Cancer Institute, Pune and Inlaks and Budhrani Hospital, Pune, He then helped set up 2 more reputed cancer centers first as the Director of the Ruby Hall Clinic Cancer Center and then at Cancer Clinic and Research Center at Jehangir Hospital, Pune. Dr. Koppiker has been an International Investigator in several important Breast Cancer clinical trials and leading a translational research group with active collaborations with premier national and international research institutes.
Dr. Koppiker is also the Founding Director and Managing Trustee of Prashanti Cancer Care Mission, -a non-profit NGO working in Pune active in cancer education, training and research in addition to providing free or affordable cancer treatment and rehabilitation to underprivileged cancer patients.
Dr. Jerome Periera and Dr. CB Koppiker have been collaborating to develop Breast Oncoplasty Training Programs in Asia since 2017. Starting with organizing hands-on workshops, symposia and conferences, this collaboration has evolved into formal establishment of a 3-year M.Ch. Degree Program jointly organized by Prashanti Cancer Care Mission and University of East Anglia, UK in 2017. Prashanti Cancer Care Mission has formed a highly successful partnership with UEA to establish this programme in Asia and has already recruited over 65 surgeons from India, Bangladesh, Sri lanka, Maldives, Indonesia, Malaysia etc.

Senior Lecturer, Kings College, London.
Clinical Lead & Chair of Breast Tumour Group. GSTT
Chair - Breast, South East London Accountable Cancer Network.
Education Training Committee – ESSO
Clinical Trainer – M.Ch. in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
Examiner – UEMS
Ashutosh is currently working as an Onco-plastic and reconstructive breast surgeon at Guy’s & St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Guy’s Cancer, London. He is the Chair of Breast Cancer Multidisciplinary Team and leads the Breast Tumour Working Group. He also Chairs the Breast Stream of the South-East London Accountable Cancer Network, comprising of several hospitals across the south-east of London. He specialises in onco-aesthetic breast conservation surgery and partial as well as whole breast reconstruction. He has a special interest in hereditary breast cancer and breast cancer in young women.
He is a Hon. Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, Kings College, London. He is an enthusiastic academic and teaches a range of students from undergraduate is a clinical tutor for the super-speciality M.Ch. In onco-plastic breast surgery courses run internationally. He also sits on the board of the Education & Training Committee of the European Society of Surgical Oncology. He is an executive committee member of the Indian Association of Surgical Oncology, the Breast Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons Association as well as the Asian Society of Mastology. He serves as an examiner for the EBSQ, European Board Certification examination in Breast surgery. Ashutosh, is regularly invited as a speaker to several key International Breast Cancer Conferences, masterclasses, surgical workshops, webinars and training courses.
He maintains an extensive research portfolio and amongst a host of other trials, is the principal investigator on two unique first in man research trails involving novel intra-operative imaging techniques He was also the co-investigator on the first ever prospective trial on the use of biologics in breast reconstruction. He serves as an advisor to companies involved in the manufacture of aesthetic surgical devices. He is extremely well published and has written several chapters in essential textbooks on breast cancer surgery. He serves on the editorial board of two international journals.

exclusive clinical focus on reconstructive breast surgery, aesthetic and corrective breast surgery. As a microsurgeon, he performs more than 160 microsurgical procedures per year. He has innovated a number of procedures over the years, e.g. the internal bra breast lift.
Professor Farhadi gained his medical degree at the University of Basel, Switzerland, and the University Pitié-Salpetriè in Paris, France. His general and plastic surgical residencies was completed in Switzerland and Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.
Professor Farhadi is actively involved in teaching and research. He is author of over 70 publications and several book chapters. Professor Farhadi also is Co-director of the European Masters in Breast Surgery, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery and Chairman of the London Breast Meeting.

• Consultant of Oncoplastic Breast Surgery, Cairo University Hospitals.
• Executive Director – Sherif Omar Cancer Foundation (FAKOUS CANCER CENTER)
• CEO – Healthcare Corporation of Arabia (HCA)
• Managing & Medical Director – Arab Breast & Cancer Care – Cairo Center (ABC)
• Faculty & Examiner – European Board of Breast Surgery - UEMS
• Secretary General – Mastology Association of Northern & Southern of the Meditereanean -
• Secretary General – African Breast Cancer & Woman Health Foundation
• Member of Editorial Board of the Journal (Current Breast Cancer Reports) & the European
Journal of Oncology.
• Director of the Breast Committee of the Egyptian Chapter of the American College of Surgeons.

As a scientific researcher, Professor Purushotham’s goal has been to drive high quality clinical and translational research that directly impacts cancer patients. Key areas of research are patterns of metastatic spread, novel optical intra-operative imaging, window of opportunity trials, prevention and early detection, cancer in low- and middle-income countries and cancer outcomes.

He has more than 30 publications and has been awarded numerous research grants including the prestigious NRS Fellowship award by the Chief Scientist Office (CSO) in Scotland. This is to continue research on Novel MRI techniques in Breast Surgery with the Team at the University of Aberdeen which he does on top of his clinical work. Yazan is also the creator of www.iBreastBook.com which is a free online resource with contributions from many of the leading Breast and Plastic surgeons across the world. The iBreastBook Webinar series, which he started during the covid pandemic with the support of colleagues has been a huge international success.

He is the founder of the Hellenic Society of Breast Surgeons (HSBS 2000), which also served as President from 2000 to 2016, when he resigned to focus on UEMS-Division of Breast Surgery, and he was the head of the education, training and clinical trials section of the society. He is also the head professor of the elective course on “Breast Disease and Cancer” for the students of the final year in the Medical School of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece. Professor Markopoulos is national coordinator and PI in a number of international and national research projects and clinical trials and has published over 350 scientific papers in peer-reviewed international and Greek medical journals with more than 7,500 citations by other authors and a current h-index of 41 and i10-index of 124. He has also authored (4) and edited (17) several books on breast disease and cancer, including the “European textbook of Breast Cancer management for Surgeons” (Springer 2018), official book of the EBSQ exams in Breast Surgery.
He is President of the scientific committee in two Greek Breast Cancer advocacy groups and Europa Donna Hellas. He has organized a large number of national and international postgraduate courses and meetings on breast cancer over the last 30 years, including the 2-days October’s meeting on the “Advances in Breast Cancer Management” he organizes annually since 1996, and he has lectured extensively as an invited speaker at national and international congresses. He is recipient of a number of scientific awards during congresses and honorary awards for his work with breast cancer patients.

Prior to coming to Norfolk, Professor Pereira was a researcher with the Royal College of Surgeons of England and has pioneered the a peripheral nerve reconstruction operation for restoring protective sensation His postgraduate general surgical training was undertaken in various hospitals in the London region, and plastic surgical training was at Mount Vernon Hospital at Northwood, Queen Victoria Hospital at East Grinstead and the Emory Clinic in Atlanta, USA. He has a strong background in research and has published extensively in areas of breast cancer, breast reconstruction and peripheral nerve reconstruction.
In 2017, he successfully led a UK national pilot study on the use of blended education and training in surgery, which has won a Silver National Technologies Award and been shortlisted for the BMJ awards 2018. A national roll out of this innovative educational programme in surgery is planned to start in 2019 across the NHS.

Dr Mark Harries is a Consultant in Medical Oncology at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and an honorary senior lecturer at King’s College London. He specialises in the treatment of Melanoma and Breast Cancer.
He graduated from Cambridge University and underwent clinical training at the Royal London Hospital. He trained in Medical Oncology at the Royal Marsden Hospital and completed a PhD and post-doctoral work in the Department of Immunology at University College, London.
His research interests include immunotherapy for melanoma and breast cancer as well as clinical trials of new biological agents for these diseases. He is lead investigator on a number of clinical trials and has published over 50 papers.
He is Chairman of the charity Melanomas Focus.

Dr. Tibor Kovacs

Dr. Cicero Urban

exclusive clinical focus on reconstructive breast surgery, aesthetic and corrective breast surgery. As a microsurgeon, he performs more than 160 microsurgical procedures per year. He has innovated a number of procedures over the years, e.g. the internal bra breast lift.
Professor Farhadi gained his medical degree at the University of Basel, Switzerland, and the University Pitié-Salpetriè in Paris, France. His general and plastic surgical residencies was completed in Switzerland and Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.
Professor Farhadi is actively involved in teaching and research. He is author of over 70 publications and several book chapters. Professor Farhadi also is Co-director of the European Masters in Breast Surgery, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery and Chairman of the London Breast Meeting.

He is author and co-author of more than 200 publications in Italian, English and Spanish on oncological surgery, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of the breast. He is author of five books on ocncoplastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of the breast and author of many chapters in other books. He has organized several international conferences concerning both reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of the breast. He and his team are dedicated to the surgery of the breast from tumour to reconstruction and to the aesthetic outcome and body contouring. He introduced new surgical techniques both in mastectomy and reconstruction and aesthetic breast surgery. MAURIZIO BRUNO NAVA MD GRETA ONCOPLASTIC MILANO NAPOLI CATANIA

In 2012. His research areas are: oncoplastic surgery including the development of a questionnaire on post breast reconstruction quality of life on behalf of the EORTC Quality of Life Group, decision making in breast surgery and mathematical modeling of breast shape. He is also a professor at the master in oncoplastic surgery and integrated treatments at the University of Genova and honorary consultant of the department of mathematics and informatics at the University of Catania

Dr. Rubio is active in many societies, as EUSOMA president (European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists), President-elect of the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO), member of the Executive Committee at the European Cancer Organization, founding member and past President of the Spanish Association of Breast Surgeons (AECIMA), Board member of EUBREAST, and member of the SSO and the American Society of Breast Surgeons.
She is associate editor in Breast of the Journal of Surgical Oncology, and reviewer for The Breast, the European Journal of Surgical Oncology and the Annals of Surgical Oncology. She obtained the European Board of Surgery Qualification in Breast Surgery and since 2015 is officer at the UEMS Breast Surgery Division and participates as an examiner in the EBSQ Examinations in Breast Surgery.
Dr. Rubio is involved in many randomized trials and part of the Executive committee in many of them. (MINDACT, Eribulin-SOLTI100, EORTC 10085). She has received grants to develop her research by the Susan G. Komen Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Health and other institutions. Dr. Rubio has published over 100 peer review manuscripts and many book chapters.
Her interest is in sentinel lymph node biopsy, neoadjuvant treatments, surgical management of BRCA mutation carriers, and the role of prognostic markers (genomic profiles, liquid biopsy). Also her interest is focused on the standardization of Breast surgical training and Breast units.

He is a member of Indian Association of Surgical Oncology, Association of Breast Surgeons of India, European Society of Surgical Oncology, and Society of Surgical Oncology. He is a founder member of Oncology Forum (Delhi & NCR). He is the convenor of Geriatric Oncology Group and Molecular Oncology Group of Oncology forum. He has been actively involved in academics and clinical research with national and international publications and contributions to textbooks in surgery and oncology. He has been an active participant in various national and international conferences. He is currently running a DNB Surgical Oncology program at Max Superspecialty Hospital Vaishali.
He is also the executive trustee of Indian Anti Cancer Trust, a Delhi based NGO that is involved in cancer awareness, education and patient support. The trust has supported the series of webinars known as Focused Studies in Breast Cancer that has been well appreciated.

- Medical training (graduation and post-graduation in General Surgery) from Government medical college, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
- Trained at breast cancer surgeries and Oncoplastic Reconstructions in Breast unit at Llandough Hospital, Cardiff School of Medicine, Cardiff (UK), under the able guidance of Professor Robert Mansel
- Experience: 20 years after post-graduation
- Area of interest and core area of work is breast cancer surgeries (Oncoplastic reconstructions, breast reconstruction, sentinel lymph node biopsies etc.).
- Passionate about research in the field of breast cancer and have published in international journals
- Pursuing MCh in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery from University of East Anglia, UK

Dr. Sneha Joshi is a senior scientist at CTCR-PCCM. She received her M.S from the University of Pune and obtained her Ph.D in Immunology from Rutgers University, NJ, USA. She completed her post-doctoral training at Columbia University, NY, USA in Osteoimmunology with a focus on Leukaemia blasts.

Associate Professor in Department of Surgery, PSGIMS&R , Coimbatore
Studying Mch Breast Oncoplasty from University of East Anglia
Fellowship in Breast Oncoplasty training with PCCM under guidance of Dr. Koppiker
Academic interest in Breast Oncoplasty.

Ms Moushumi Nagarkar
Technology Partner
InnovatioCuris team