Coming soon…

- Medical Director, Orchids Breast Health, Pune
- Managing Trustee, Prashanti Cancer Care Mission, Pune
- Director, Oncosciences Jehangir Hospital, Pune
- Regional Convenor of M.Ch Breast Oncoplasty Program University of East Anglia, UK
Dr. Koppiker is an internationally renowned Breast Oncosurgeon and the Medical Director of Orchids Breast Health Center, Pune which is a one-of-its kind Integrated Center of Affordable Excellence for Breast Cancer. He is also the Founder Director of International School of Oncoplastic Surgery- a joint initiative with the Breast Oncoplasty Training Program, University of East Anglia, UK. He is Asia Convenorof M.Ch. (Breast Oncoplasty) Program of UEA and a faculty at the School of Oncoplastic Surgery , USA.
Outside of Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, DrKoppiker was the first Oncosurgeon in Pune to lead the establishment of the 1st integrated cancer center namely the Budhrani Cancer Institute, Pune and Inlaks and Budhrani Hospital, Pune, He then helped set up 2 more reputed cancer centers first as the Director of the Ruby Hall Clinic Cancer Center and then at Cancer Clinic and Research Center at Jehangir Hospital, Pune. Dr. Koppiker has been an International Investigator in several important Breast Cancer clinical trials and leading a translational research group with active collaborations with premier national and international research institutes.
Dr. Koppiker is also the Founding Director and Managing Trustee of Prashanti Cancer Care Mission, -a non-profit NGO working in Pune active in cancer education, training and research in addition to providing free or affordable cancer treatment and rehabilitation to underprivileged cancer patients.
Dr. Jerome Periera and Dr. CB Koppiker have been collaborating to develop Breast Oncoplasty Training Programs in Asia since 2017. Starting with organizing hands-on workshops, symposia and conferences, this collaboration has evolved into formal establishment of a 3-year M.Ch. Degree Program jointly organized by Prashanti Cancer Care Mission and University of East Anglia, UK in 2017. Prashanti Cancer Care Mission has formed a highly successful partnership with UEA to establish this programme in Asia and has already recruited over 65 surgeons from India, Bangladesh, Sri lanka, Maldives, Indonesia, Malaysia etc.

- President-Asian Society of Mastology(ASOMA)
- President & Governor American College of Surgeons-India ChapterHead-Surgery-VMMC Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi

- Senior Lecturer, Kings College, London
- Clinical Lead & Chair of Breast Tumour Group. GSTT
- Chair – Breast, South East London Accountable Cancer Network
- Education Training Committee – ESSO
- Clinical Trainer – M.Ch. in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
- Examiner – UEMS
Ashutosh is currently working as an Onco-plastic and reconstructive breast surgeon at Guy’s & St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Guy’s Cancer, London. He is the Chair of Breast Cancer Multidisciplinary Team and leads the Breast Tumour Working Group. He also Chairs the Breast Stream of the South-East London Accountable Cancer Network, comprising of several hospitals across the south-east of London. He specialises in onco-aesthetic breast conservation surgery and partial as well as whole breast reconstruction. He has a special interest in hereditary breast cancer and breast cancer in young women.
He is a Hon. Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, Kings College, London. He is an enthusiastic academic and teaches a range of students from undergraduate is a clinical tutor for the super-speciality M.Ch. In onco-plastic breast surgery courses run internationally. He also sits on the board of the Education & Training Committee of the European Society of Surgical Oncology. He is an executive committee member of the Indian Association of Surgical Oncology, the Breast Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons Association as well as the Asian Society of Mastology. He serves as an examiner for the EBSQ, European Board Certification examination in Breast surgery. Ashutosh, is regularly invited as a speaker to several key International Breast Cancer Conferences, masterclasses, surgical workshops, webinars and training courses.
He maintains an extensive research portfolio and amongst a host of other trials, is the principal investigator on two unique first in man research trails involving novel intra-operative imaging techniques He was also the co-investigator on the first ever prospective trial on the use of biologics in breast reconstruction. He serves as an advisor to companies involved in the manufacture of aesthetic surgical devices. He is extremely well published and has written several chapters in essential textbooks on breast cancer surgery. He serves on the editorial board of two international journals.
Advisory committee

- Consultant Plastic Surgeon atKing’s College, London, The London Clinic & Weymouth Hospital
Professor Jian Farhadi is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon, specialist in reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery as well as surgery after weight loss. He was the past Director of the Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery at St Thomas’ Hospital in London, United Kingdom. Professor Farhadi has an exclusive clinical focus on reconstructive breast surgery, aesthetic and corrective breast surgery. As a microsurgeon, he performs more than 160 microsurgical procedures per year. He has innovated a number of procedures over the years, e.g. the internal bra breast lift.
Professor Farhadi gained his medical degree at the University of Basel, Switzerland, and the University Pitié-Salpetriè in Paris, France. His general and plastic surgical residencies was completed in Switzerland and Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.
Professor Farhadi is actively involved in teaching and research. He is author of over 70 publications and several book chapters. Professor Farhadi also is Co-director of the European Masters in Breast Surgery, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery and Chairman of the London Breast Meeting.

- Consultant of Oncoplastic Breast Surgery, Cairo University Hospitals
- Executive Director – Sherif Omar Cancer Foundation (FAKOUS CANCER CENTER)
- CEO – Healthcare Corporation of Arabia (HCA)
- Managing & Medical Director – Arab Breast & Cancer Care – Cairo Center (ABC)
- Faculty & Examiner – European Board of Breast Surgery – UEMS
- Secretary General – Mastology Association of Northern & Southern of the Meditereanean – MANOSMED
- Secretary General – African Breast Cancer & Woman Health Foundation
- Member of Editorial Board of the Journal (Current Breast Cancer Reports) & the European Journal of Oncology
- Director of the Breast Committee of the Egyptian Chapter of the American College of Surgeons

Professor Arnie Purushotham has been a Consultant Academic Surgeon for 25 years having worked in Glasgow, Cambridge and London. He is Professor of Breast Cancer at King’s College London and Consultant Surgeon at Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust. He is also the Director of King’s Health Partners Comprehensive Cancer Centre and until recently Senior Clinical Advisor, Cancer Research UK and Medical Director, Tata Trusts Cancer Care Programme.
As a scientific researcher, Professor Purushotham’s goal has been to drive high quality clinical and translational research that directly impacts cancer patients. Key areas of research are patterns of metastatic spread, novel optical intra-operative imaging, window of opportunity trials, prevention and early detection, cancer in low- and middle-income countries and cancer outcomes.

Prof. Bahadir M. Gulluoglu works at Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of General Surgery since 1991 and currently is a full-time professor (tenured) at the same institution since 2009. He formerly served as the Vice-Coordinator and Head-Coordinator for clinical graduate medical education at Marmara University (2006-2012). Prof. Gulluoglu is also a member of Institutional Review Board at his university since 2011. He also serves at University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures, Romania as faculty member for doctorate studies. Prof. Gulluoglu is the co-founder of Marmara University Hospital, Breast Center (2001) which is a member of Breast Centres Network. Prof. Gulluoglu also works as the core faculty member at European Academy of Senology (EAoS), International Breast Ultrasonography School (IBUS), European School of Oncology (ESO), Norwegian Breast & Endocrine Surgery Board and MANOSMED Mediterranean University of Mastology. He is also the deputy secretary of UEMS European Board of Surgery, Division of Breast Surgery and holds honorary fellowships of both European Board of General Surgery and Breast Surgery. Prof. Gulluoglu currently serves at BRESO (European Breast Surgical Oncology Certification) Structure Working Group as theoretical knowledge committee member. Prof. Gulluoglu is currently the president of SENATURK (Senology Academy-Turkey), executive committee member of Breast Surgery International (BSI) and country coordinator of Oncoplastic Breast Consortium (OPBC) in Basel, Switzerland. He formerly served at Senologic International Society (SIS) as deputy secretary and Committee for National Breast Cancer Screening at Turkish Ministry of Health as chairman. Besides, Prof. Gulluoglu is an honorary member of both Bulgarian Surgical Society and Romanian Society for Breast Surgery and Oncology. He is the founding executive member of Turkish Society of Breast Surgery. Prof. Gulluoglu is the institutional research coordinator of EORTC Breast Cancer Group and member of ASCO Resource-Stratified Guideline Advisory Group in Alexandria, USA. Prof. Gulluoglu is the co-chair of International Istanbul Breast Cancer Conference (Breastanbul) and (Turkish) National Health Quality Forum. He is the convenor of Istanbul Reconstructive Breast Cancer Surgery (IREBS) Workshops and currently serves as the associate editor at Breast Care (Karger).

Zoltán Mátrai is a surgeon, specialized in general, thoracic and plastic surgery as well as clinical oncology. Since 2012 he is the Head of Department of Breast and Soft Tissue Surgery and since 2014 also Head of Centre of Surgical Oncology, National Institute of Oncology, Hungary. Dr Mátrai is fellow of the European Board of Surgery in Surgical Oncology and Breast Surgery. Furthermore, he is founder of the Central and Eastern European Breast Cancer Surgical Consortium and President of the Central Eastern European Academy of Oncology. He is currently working on research topics in the field of oncoplastic breast surgery and is interested in treatment optimization of the axilla after sentinel lymph node biopsy, to name just a few. He is a lecturer and trainer for residents, trainees and fellows in breast surgery. He is editor of the textbook Principles and practice of oncoplastic breast surgery, published on Hungarian, English and Russian languages, and author of 98 scientific papers.

Yazan Masannat is a Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon Working at Aberdeen Royal Infirmry/NHS Grampian which is the tertiary referral centre for the North East of Scotland. He is also an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland/UK, and Tutor at the MS Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Program with the University of East Anglia, Norwich/England UK. Yazan is a member on the Education and training committee of the Association of Breast Surgery (ABS), Communications Lead and Executive Group at the iBRA-net and an Examiner at the European Board of Surgical Oncology and European Board of Breast Surgery (UEMS).
He has more than 30 publications and has been awarded numerous research grants including the prestigious NRS Fellowship award by the Chief Scientist Office (CSO) in Scotland. This is to continue research on Novel MRI techniques in Breast Surgery with the Team at the University of Aberdeen which he does on top of his clinical work. Yazan is also the creator of which is a free online resource with contributions from many of the leading Breast and Plastic surgeons across the world. The iBreastBook Webinar series, which he started during the covid pandemic with the support of colleagues has been a huge international success.

Prof. Markopoulos qualified from Athens University Medical School in 1979 and he specialized in General Surgery (1985). He received his PhD from Athens University in 1985 and holds an MPhil degree in Oncology–Breast Cancer from St. George’s Medical School, University of London – UK (1988). He has worked as a Senior Registrar in surgery at the Breast Unit of St. George’s Hospital and Medical School and at The Royal Marsden Hospital in London (1985-1988). He has also worked as research fellow at Ludwing Institute for Cancer Research at Sutton – Surrey, UK (1986-7). He is the current President of the UEMS -Division of Breast Surgery and head of the examination board of the EBSQ in Breast Surgery exams (2016-2021). He has been an elected member of the European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA) Executive Committee (2010 -2016) and he is a member of several medical associations and societies including the UK Association of Breast Surgery at The Royal College of Surgeons (ABS), American College of Breast Surgeons (ACBS) and the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO).
He is the founder of the Hellenic Society of Breast Surgeons (HSBS 2000), which also served as President from 2000 to 2016, when he resigned to focus on UEMS-Division of Breast Surgery, and he was the head of the education, training and clinical trials section of the society. He is also the head professor of the elective course on “Breast Disease and Cancer” for the students of the final year in the Medical School of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece. Professor Markopoulos is national coordinator and PI in a number of international and national research projects and clinical trials and has published over 350 scientific papers in peer-reviewed international and Greek medical journals with more than 7,500 citations by other authors and a current h-index of 41 and i10-index of 124. He has also authored (4) and edited (17) several books on breast disease and cancer, including the “European textbook of Breast Cancer management for Surgeons” (Springer 2018), official book of the EBSQ exams in Breast Surgery.
He is President of the scientific committee in two Greek Breast Cancer advocacy groups and Europa Donna Hellas. He has organized a large number of national and international postgraduate courses and meetings on breast cancer over the last 30 years, including the 2-days October’s meeting on the “Advances in Breast Cancer Management” he organizes annually since 1996, and he has lectured extensively as an invited speaker at national and international congresses. He is recipient of a number of scientific awards during congresses and honorary awards for his work with breast cancer patients.

Specialization in Mastology in Brazil, and fellowships programs in Breast Surgery and in Reconstructive Surgery in Italy, England, and Germany. He works as a breast oncoplastic surgeon at the Federal University of Goias and at the Araujo Jorge Hospital in Goiania (Brazil). Reviewer for many journals, author and co-author of dozens of scientific papers and book chapters. Authored of a textbook on Oncoplasty and Breast reconstruction in Brazil. Experienced faculty in Oncoplastic and breast Reconstruction in Brazil and abroad. Head of a traditional hands-on course on Oncoplastic Surgery, organized by the Brazilian Society of Mastology in Goiania (Brazil).

Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon at James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Professor of Surgery and Programme Director for Specialist Mastership Programmes in Surgery at the University of East Anglia, Norwich. Lead for Training, Mentorship and Quality Assurance of Programs at BreastGlobal

Dr Shalaka is a young and energetic breast cancer surgeon. After finishing MS in General Surgery from the prestigious Sir G.S. Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai; she joined the Tata Memorial Centre to pursue MCh is Surgical Oncology. She spent a year at the King’s College London at the Guy’s campus to learn the intricacies of translational cancer research and completed the MRes degree from University of London. Dr Shalaka is practicing as a breast surgical oncologist at Mumbai’s Tata Memorial Centre since 2013. The knowledge of intricacies of laboratory research helped her establish and be a part of the Clinician Scientist Laboratory in Advanced Centre for Treatment, Education and Research in Cancer (ACTREC). She is a principal investigator of several clinical and translational studies including a randomized controlled trial on neoadjuvant chemotherapy versus chemo-endocrine therapy in operable breast cancer patients. A recently completed randomized trial of “a decision aid (DA) (developed with the help of Harvard Inc and Navya Network) to help less empowered women from the developing countries like India choose between breast conservation surgery and mastectomy” was presented at the SABCS, 2019 and ASCO, 2020. A few studies are currently ongoing with respect to understanding novel therapeutic options for triple negative breast cancer and effort to establish gene signature for tumour dormancy to study mechanisms of late recurrences in hormone receptor positive breast cancer. Other than a keen aptitude for research, an astute eye for aesthetics of breast cancer surgery has made her learn and adapt various oncoplastic procedures in routine practice to improve the quality of life of Indian breast cancer patients.

Dr. Mark Harries is a Consultant in Medical Oncology at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and an honorary senior lecturer at King’s College London. He specialises in the treatment of Melanoma and Breast Cancer.
He graduated from Cambridge University and underwent clinical training at the Royal London Hospital. He trained in Medical Oncology at the Royal Marsden Hospital and completed a PhD and post-doctoral work in the Department of Immunology at University College, London.
His research interests include immunotherapy for melanoma and breast cancer as well as clinical trials of new biological agents for these diseases. He is lead investigator on a number of clinical trials and has published over 50 papers.
He is Chairman of the charity Melanomas Focus.

Maurizio Nava achieved his Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan in 1977. He majored in oncology in 1980 and general surgery in 1986. In 1993, he then majored in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Since graduating he worked at the Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori in Milan and from 1997 till 2014 as Director of the Plasic Surgery Unit. As Adjunct Professor – School of Specialization in Plastic Surgery, University of Milan and from 2016 University of Genova, he participates in national and international studies on implants, ADMs, fat cells and microsurgical flaps in oncoplastic breast surgery and breast aesthetic surgery. He is President of the Oncological Reconstructive School a NOT for PROFIT, that is proposing updates to the international multidisciplinary field of oncoplastic reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery, and an exchange of ideas with patients.
He is author and co-author of more than 200 publications in Italian, English and Spanish on oncological surgery, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of the breast. He is author of five books on ocncoplastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of the breast and author of many chapters in other books. He has organized several international conferences concerning both reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of the breast. He and his team are dedicated to the surgery of the breast from tumour to reconstruction and to the aesthetic outcome and body contouring. He introduced new surgical techniques both in mastectomy and reconstruction and aesthetic breast surgery. MAURIZIO BRUNO NAVA MD GRETA ONCOPLASTIC MILANO NAPOLI CATANIA

Giuseppe Catanuto is a consultant breast surgeon in Catania where he was appointed in 2012. He worked at the Royal Marsden Hospital- Sutton (UK) as a fellow of Mr. Guidubaldo Querci della Rovere (2003-2004) and in Milan at Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (2004-2006) during his PhD. In 2006 he became a consultant oncoplastic breast surgeon at Humanitas-Catania where he developed a specific expertise in therapeutic mammaplasties and conservative mastectomies. During the last twelve years he served as a consultant of the “Scuola di Oncologia Chirurgica Ricostruttiva”. On behalf of this organization he coordinated the International Fellowship “G. Querci della Rovere”.
In 2012. His research areas are: oncoplastic surgery including the development of a questionnaire on post breast reconstruction quality of life on behalf of the EORTC Quality of Life Group, decision making in breast surgery and mathematical modeling of breast shape. He is also a professor at the master in oncoplastic surgery and integrated treatments at the University of Genova and honorary consultant of the department of mathematics and informatics at the University of Catania

Shaheenah Dawood is a Consultant medical oncologist and associate professor in clinical oncology in the United Arab Emirates. She trained in medical oncology at McGill University Hospitals in Canada and subspecialized in breast cancer management at MD Anderson Cancer Center. During her training she was awarded multiple scholar in training awards and ASCO merit awards. She has served as an editorial fellow at the New England Journal of medicine and has an MPH from the Harvard School of Public Health. She has over 100 papers to her credit including 50 peer review original articles, 30 review articles and 12 book chapters. She serves as a reviewer for multiple journals including the Journal of Clinical Oncology. She currently leads the oncology clinical trials program at Mediclinic City Hospital Dubai. She also serves as president of the UAE Cancer Congress that is held annually in Dubai and is co-president of the Asia pacific breast cancer summit (ABCS) and Asia pacific gastrointestinal cancer summit (APGCS). She has also recently launched the international BRCA forum and MENA immune-oncology summit.

Isabel T. Rubio is the Head of Breast Surgical Oncology at Clinica Universidad de Navarra and Professor of Surgery at the University of Navarra in Madrid, Spain. She studied medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Salamanca, Spain, and become a Board certified General Surgeon. She had additional training for two year as a Breast Surgical Oncology Fellow at The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and the Arkansas Cancer Center at Little Rock, USA and for one year at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, USA. She completed her PhD in 2000 on “Sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast cancer ”. She has been Chief of Breast Surgical Oncology at Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron and Associate Professor of Surgery at Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain. (2009-2018). She is the director of the Breast Surgery Fellowship program at her Institution.
Dr. Rubio is active in many societies, as EUSOMA president (European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists), President-elect of the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO), member of the Executive Committee at the European Cancer Organization, founding member and past President of the Spanish Association of Breast Surgeons (AECIMA), Board member of EUBREAST, and member of the SSO and the American Society of Breast Surgeons.
She is associate editor in Breast of the Journal of Surgical Oncology, and reviewer for The Breast, the European Journal of Surgical Oncology and the Annals of Surgical Oncology. She obtained the European Board of Surgery Qualification in Breast Surgery and since 2015 is officer at the UEMS Breast Surgery Division and participates as an examiner in the EBSQ Examinations in Breast Surgery.
Dr. Rubio is involved in many randomized trials and part of the Executive committee in many of them. (MINDACT, Eribulin-SOLTI100, EORTC 10085). She has received grants to develop her research by the Susan G. Komen Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Health and other institutions. Dr. Rubio has published over 100 peer review manuscripts and many book chapters.
Her interest is in sentinel lymph node biopsy, neoadjuvant treatments, surgical management of BRCA mutation carriers, and the role of prognostic markers (genomic profiles, liquid biopsy). Also her interest is focused on the standardization of Breast surgical training and Breast units.

Dr. Sneha Joshi is a senior scientist at CTCR-PCCM. She received her M.S from the University of Pune and obtained her Ph.D in Immunology from Rutgers University, NJ, USA. She completed her post-doctoral training at Columbia University, NY, USA in Osteoimmunology with a focus on Leukaemia blasts.

Dr. Rupa is currently working with CTCR as a Consultant Scientist. She did her PhD in Cancer Biology from ACTREC-TMC in Mumbai and a four-year postdoctoral fellowship at IISER Pune. She has also been working on the Indian Cancer Genome Atlas (ICGA) and has been a part of the team to work on Ethics Committee approvals for ICGA.

After completing her master’s in general surgery, Dr. Urvashi Jain completed her super- speciality training in Breast Surgical Oncology at the prestigious Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. She is currently training as a Senior Oncoplastic Clinical Fellow in the Academic Breast Unit at Guys & St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, one of the largest cancer centres in London, in advanced oncoplastic and reconstructive breast surgery. She is well published and has recently co-authored a chapter on Breast Cancer Surgery, for the Oxford Textbook of Surgery. She has been invited as international faculty to present at International Breast Conferences. She actively participates in both, regional and national audits that have been recently published in peer reviewed journals of repute. She assists Breast Cancer Now, a large UK charity with the updating of patient information leaflets. She has a special interest in survivorship, enhancing patient related outcomes and positively contributing to the Quality of life of breast cancer survivors, by improving their post-surgical outcomes through state of the art reconstructive surgery. She is leading a project assessing PROMs (Patient Reported Outcome Measures) in women that have undergone breast surgery at Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital. She maintains a strong interest in research and is working with researchers at Kings College, London on several novel intra-operative techniques.